Fr. Chad Ripperger: Satan Told Me That They Are Running Out Of Time – The World Is Changing Rapidly

The other morning, I heard the Lord say, "It may feel like you're standing in the midst of an earthquake of warfare, but rejoice! I am birthing mountain-moving movements."

In the spirit, I could see many who have been experiencing intense opposition hitting them on every side. They have been feeling like this warfare has really been shaking them this time, like the level of warfare and witchcraft coming against them is causing the very foundations of what God has spoken to them to shake. I saw many who have been feeling weary of the warfare and the battle. I saw many looking at the foundations and feeling like this level of warfare has been bringing cracks to the foundations of what God has spoken, bringing weariness, doubt, exhaustion—even despair for some.

I Saw Hammers in Their Hands  Continue

You have Authority | Bill Johnson | Bethel Church - 6 minutes

A few days ago, during worship, I went into a vision and I saw a person wrapped up in bandages standing in a tomb. I perceived this to be Lazarus because my spirit began to say, "Lazarus, come forth! Lazarus, come forth!"

Then the Spirit of God came upon me, and I began to prophesy: "People of God, it is time to emerge. It's time to leave the place that you have been in. It's time to leave the place of death that you have been dwelling in, for the season of death is over! The season of your seeds falling to the ground and dying is over! Continue

FlashPoint: (June 15th 2023)

[Editor's note: Below are a series of encounters from Kim Robinson which she shared recently on Elijah Streams.]

The Money Room

My ex-husband and I owned a business, and the taxes had not been paid for a very long time. The I.R.S. had just called us that day and said, "We have put a freeze on your bank account. You have 24 hours to come up with $30,000, or we will come and put a padlock on the doors and begin the process of getting our payments!"  Continue

Heated Exchange During Judiciary Committee Hearing Between Senator Ted Cruz and Apparently Corrupt FBI Deputy Director Abbate Over The Biden 1023

The Danger of Denial - Karen Hardin

This hour is urgent as deception and confusion have been unleashed as a spiritual assault like we have never seen.

     We see the manifestation in increased suicide attempts, mental health disorders and insanity. The battlefield is our minds. Here we can see part of the progression:

Denial   dĭ-nī′əl    noun
A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or
allegation; a contradiction.

 Denial is happening on many levels. It has become so commonplace that we overlook the danger of its control and impact in our lives. Below are just a handful of the areas which have become commonplace.