June 14, 2023
The Danger of Denial - Karen Hardin
This hour is urgent as deception and confusion have been unleashed as a spiritual assault like we have never seen.
     We see the manifestation in increased suicide attempts, mental health disorders and insanity. The battlefield is our minds. Here we can see part of the progression:
Denial   dĭ-nī′əl    noun
A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or
allegation; a contradiction.
     Denial is happening on many levels. It has become so commonplace that we overlook the danger of its control and impact in our lives. Below are just a handful of the areas which have become commonplace.
  • Although there have been increasing “mysterious” fires at food processing plants and/or chicken-raising facilities in the past two years, and mandatory culling of hundreds of thousands of chickens due to reports of avian flu, there won’t be a food shortage. I don’t need to prepare.
  • The increasing “died suddenly” deaths of young athletes, teens and/or others which started over the last couple of years, is strange but evidently “natural causes.” I can’t think of anything that has happened in the last couple of years that could be a contributing factor.
  • Pride month and drag queen events are about accepting people who are different and let them know that it’s okay and okay for my child to attend and give the dancers money.
  • It’s not confusing or scary for children to see men dressed up as women. I need to teach my children that this is normal and healthy to be the “you” that you were meant to be.
  • The Marriage Protection Act says it protects marriage and so must be good. (Even though  it destroyed the Defense of  Marriage Act which defined marriage as between a man and a woman.)
  • It’s okay to let someone teach my child that gender is fluid. It is wrong that gender is assigned at birth. I mean, who can really know?
  • Joe Biden can’t remember where he is or who he is talking to much of the time. He continues to fall often. He couldn’t get people to attend the few rallies he had when running for president, but they said he won and that he’s okay to run again.
  • I don’t know why the homeless population is increasing in my city. They say they aren’t bussing or flying them in during the night. It’s just a mystery.
Hitler’s Strategy was “the big lie.”
     This propaganda technique outlined in the book Mein Kampf (1925), describes the use of a lie so enormous that people couldn’t imagine someone would lie so audaciously. So they believe it. We’ve been under a big lie for years. The reality is many can no longer discern truth from a lie.
     By planting a seed of doubt—as Satan did with Eve. “Did God say?” to make us question truth.
  • Are there really just two genders?
  • People are just born that way.
  • There was no election fraud. It was the safest election in American history!
  • In order to love people we must allow them to cross our borders for a “better life.”
     It makes us question truth—including biblical truth.
Truth   trüth noun
: the body of real things, events, and facts: ACTUALITY
Truth is truth.
     It is not like “a spring on a trampoline,” as author "Christian" Pastor Rob Bell once claimed. It is fact. Yet we have allowed society to pour confusion and dysphoria into our children and our lives via movies, books, games, etc and think it won’t cause harm.  
    A growing number of people now can no longer define a woman. Many have believed the lie that there are many genders and no longer know who or what they are. Science is denied and truth is twisted. And we are afraid to speak up for fear we will be labeled “intolerant.”
I Am Intolerant
    I am intolerant—of the lies that harm children, my family, my neighbors. I would rather be called “intolerant” than ignore truth and allow people to continue to be indoctrinated with issues that create mental illness, dysphoria and despair.
     We are called to stand for truth and to protect. Staying silent does neither.
Normal - adjective nor·​mal ˈnȯr-məl 
: according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, procedure, or principle
It IS NOT normal for:
  • Adults to have sex with children.
  • For children to have life-altering sex change surgeries that will forever sterilize them, confuse them and create suicidal tendencies in them.
  • Non-citizens to be given more rights and privileges than citizens.
  • Criminals to be allowed to walk free, but law-abiding citizens to be criminalized and jailed.
  • Candidates who hide in their basements and don’t campaign to suddenly “win by more votes than any other candidate in history.”
  • For a large majority of voting machines in conservative counties to all malfunction on election day, but then declare the outcome of the election was fair.
     The point is, all these things are happening right under our noses and because we often don’t know what to do, we do nothing. That’s not working out for us very well is it?

     We are losing our nation, our economy, our freedom and our families. Many are losing their minds. June is not just pride month. It is mental health awareness month. Rather ironic isn’t it?
     Make no mistake, this letter isn’t just about that issue. It’s about all the issues above and more in which we have been bullied to accept a lie as truth and walk in denial of what is actually taking place. Want to do something about it? JOIN US!
     When the disciples were bullied and attacked they prayed, “Lord, see their threats and grant us MORE COURAGE.” May that be our prayer today.
  In Christ,
Kevin & Karen
P.S. We are raising up PRAYER teams and ACTION teams who want to bring change to their cities. You can help both through your giving and prayer. We need to hire some help. Our task is daunting, but we are taking ground! Please continue to PRAY, GIVE, & GO with us for the glory of our God.
Pray for our Pastor Training Team and those who will attend our next Rural Pastors Training Seminar in Cambodia on June 19-21. A special thanks to those who have commited to sponsor these training seminars!

Pray for China team members as they evangelize and disciple under dangerous conditions as the authorities seek to control or squash those who practice Christian life and ministry. Especially lift up one who is involved in holding discipleship camps for Christian teens & children in August.

Continue to pray for upcoming national elections in Cambodia, scheduled for July 23. There has always been election corruption and outright intimidation, but the Cambodian people primarily want peace. They suffered greatly for many decades since the Communist takeover in the 70s, and many years of civil war. They are happy now to have peace, even if it is under corrupt leadership. PRAY FOR THEM!

Let’s use our authority in Christ to silence the enemy’s lies against our children & nation. Also, be bold to stand up & speak out for truth & justice!



Will you consider becoming an IMPACT monthly partner? Regular, monthly giving helps us to be strong and stable as we serve our communities here and our teams in Asia. Ministry opportunities continue to increase, but income has not kept up.
     We are grateful for your partnership with us in this way and through your prayers.
 Click below to give a monthly or a one-time gift or checks can be sent to: 
Destiny Builders, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170.
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Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception & Insanity
Why are things happening as they are?
Why are people seemingly so blind to what appears so obvious?
And more importantly, how can it be stopped?

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Destiny Builders, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170
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     If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/

     As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!

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