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Lord God, we pray that this bill would be blocked and that the terrible ideas that are enshrined in this bill would be wholly rejected by the American people and our elected officials.


Despite the heroic efforts of the 2022 Speaker, Bill HR 5376 was pushed through the House like a lump of clay through a Play-Doh Factory.  It doesn’t matter which mold is used, the output from this chamber is precisely as lifeless as the input.  We can only pray that the Senate erects a wall against this repulsively un-American set of propositions.

While I don’t pretend to be a microbiologist nor a counselor of governmental law, there are some basic things to consider.  Like, your privacy.

H4 2021 08 06 114944


 You can influence Texas law.

SB1311 would protect children in Texas!

It would ban gender-surgery, hormone therapy specifically for gender change and puberty suppression treatments specifically for gender change in minors.

Your action is needed TODAY:

Email and call the legislative leadership below to ask each of them that SB1311 be sent to the House floor "without delay" AND be on the "major calendar with page 1 priority.” Please use this legislative language.

In the next day or two the issue could be won or lost! Please contact these leaders today and  pray. 

I. Greg Abbott, Texas Governor
Chief of Staff: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
II. Dade Phelan, Texas Speaker of the House
(512) 463-1000
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
III. Dustin Burrows, Chairman of the Calendars Committee
(512) 463-0542
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Texas would become the second state in the nation to protect children from gender experimentation. Your action, even if you live in another state, will make a difference. And so will your prayers!


Father, help more parents and others to take a stand for how the children in our nation are being educated in our school systems. We need You Father; combat this evil with Your truth and raise up teachers who will proclaim You.

We love this story of someone who stood up to the woke mob and won. You will love her courage and her determination. It is a model to follow.

. . . Picking fights with lawyers and Green Berets can be a bit risky, and that is doubly true when one of them has extensive experience with totalitarian tactics. . . .

2021 04 03 21.00.31 4e60b78ac374

H.R. 5 has passed in the United States House of Representatives. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made clear their intent to pass this bill. It is now pending in the United States Senate, where it must now be stopped. If passed, here is what it would do...

An Urgent Call to Action

 HR 5, was reintroduced in 2021 after failing to obtain Senate approval in 2019. It proposes profound and far-reaching changes to the Civil Rights Act that would directly threaten religious liberty, free speech, freedom of conscience, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and the privacy and safety of women and girls. The proposed changes to the Civil Rights law under HR 5 would erase biological reality and actually reduce, not expand, protections against discrimination, contrary to the original intent of Congress.

H.R. 5 has passed in the United States House of Representatives. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made clear their intent to pass this bill. It is now pending in the United States Senate, where it must now be stopped. If passed, here is what it would do:

• Redefine Gender (Male and Female) to Include "Sexual Orientation" and "Gender Identity"

HR 5 would add "sexual orientation and gender identity" to the term "sex" throughout the Civil Rights Act. Therefore, "sex" would no longer be defined as it has for millennia as the objective biological reality of being male or female. Instead, it would include the societally derived concepts of sexual orientation or gender identity as being equal to and interchangeable with the term "sex," thereby overriding the very nature of "sex" in the law.  READ MORE >>>



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