Crystal G.H. Lowery: "The Lord of Your Breakthrough" - Crystal G.H. Lowery, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina -Mar 23, 2024

A Heart after God

"So David went to Ba'al-P'ratzim and defeated them there. He said, 'ADONAI has broken through my enemies for me like a river breaking through its banks.' This is why he called the place Ba'al-P'ratzim [Lord of breaking through]." (2 Samuel 5:20 CJB)

This is just so good! I just love when I am reading and studying the Word and something hits me like a bolt of lightening and a jolt of thunder. David had become the king of Israel after Saul's unfortunate and early death. David had been through so much in his life, from single-handedly killing ferocious predators when he was a shepherd boy to fighting in battle after battle. He not only fought for Israel, but fought against Israel's king (not by choice, but out of self-defense), who was so mentally deranged that he tried to kill David numerous times. King Saul had his warriors pursue David to the point where David had to hide and live in caves.  Continue >>>