Life in the New Covenant, Part 12  (Rick Joyner) - March 19, 2024

           We concluded last week’s Word for the Week asking why we might find ten people who will applaud the Ephesians 4 vision for the body of Christ for every one who will actually find their part in the body, get equipped for it, and then function in it. This may be the most important question we can ask today. The first answer is that the Lord’s exhortation to “seek first His kingdom” (see Matthew 6:33) will result in us seeking our place in His body, which is the first place His kingdom is manifested today. If we are in our right place in His body, the church, it is because we complied with this most important exhortation. 

         Unless we are new believers, it may be wrong to assume that we are called to certain places because they feel the most beneficial to us. Ultimately, our place in the body of Christ may not feel very good or comfortable. It may be a very hard place for us, but it will be the best place for us to find our calling and gifts, and to begin functioning in them to edify others more than ourselves.

         Western Christianity has become a very “me-centered” walk, which is in conflict with the walk to which Jesus called His disciples. Most of what is now preached and taught in the western church is about attaining the promises of God and living the abundant life. These things are good, and, if we stay on the path of life, we should get there. However, our perspective of these can be very different than God’s.