Four Horses, Four Anointings, Four Creatures (Part 1) - Chris Reed

      I want to share with you a recent dream I had about four horses. I was standing outside a corral, and there were three horses of different colors in the corral. They were huge. They were standing at the starting gate, pawing at the ground and snorting with smoke coming from their nostrils.

      A man in a large, black Druid robe corralled the three horses. They were difficult to control. The horses were excited because they knew it was time for them to be released. The man in the black robe looked angrily at me. Then I saw a fourth horse outside the corral.

      It was a red horse, riding in the world, like lightning through the earth. It left rubble and destruction wherever it roamed. The man in the black robe said to the three horses in the corral, “It’s almost time for one of your last rides. This time you’ll run wild together with no restraint.” Then the man said, “I must turn these followers of Him against one another.” He could not say the name of the Lord, just “Him.” So, I spoke up and said, “Jesus!” As soon as I said “Jesus,” I woke up.   continue reading >>>